I fall asleep under a oak tree, hoping to catch Some tranquility under my shirt.. blue portions of The sky peek around
and intermingle with branches That are cloaked and intertwined with leaves. Myst and melted crayons swirl before
my eyes. Slowly forming an image, the colors slide into place Like a clock tick. A dragon lays across my
path in a deep slumber. The reptile is decorated with violet scales which Shimmer and crack until they meet rough
yet Lethal claws. As the calm beast rests under a rockyprotrusion It dreams of visions inside men.
I ignore this picture and walk along a path to My left.the woods slowly choke out the light as my walkway
becomes littered with trees. I wander in a daze, glancing to the sides, and occasionally behind me. A fog produces
imaginary foes and mystical beings. I end up makind friends with a stump and have a in-depth Conversation with
a fairy. My fear fades when the sun warms My face. A sound snaps and I want to run. I glance around and then I catch
my legs lifting and dashing ahead of my body. Not realizing my destination, my balance is teetered forward and I soar
beyond the edge of a cliff towards a sparkling blue-green sea. The closer closer the sparkling gets the further the cliff
edge gets. I turn back to the water and it reflects a light Which emphasises the wind rushing over every inch of my
body. Distance closes between the water and myself at a light speed, Yet as slow as a candle burning. Ingulfed in
a flash, I focus on The leaves dangling from the branches of the tree In front of the sky I yawn.. RIDDLE
Unraveling Ive noticed that I mean everything to you, as do You to me. As we start to swirl into one, like cocoa in
a glass of white milk, I try to understand why you are the way you are.Maybe I do know why,but I just dont realize it.i struggle
to pull you from the pits and holes you fall in. while im saving you, I slip deeper into something that is all too falmiliar.
No one tries to save me, but I think you are trying. I guess im selfish in a way, but all I want is a reflection. Perhaps
my eyes are covered and everything else I see is an illusion. If so, all I ask is for you to uncover my blinded sight.